Recent studies on the biological effects of micro/nanoplastics in developing zebrafish
DR. JEONG, Jinyoung
Dr. Jinyoung Jeong received her Ph.D. degree in Nanobio Engineering from University of Science and Technology (UST), Korea. She then worked in Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, BioNano Researech Center (BNRC) a researcher focusing on developing synthetic nanomaterials and functionalization for biological applications such as bioimaging and biosensor since 2010. And, she joined the Environmental Disease Research Center in 2019 working on physiochemical analysis of environmental pollutants such as particular matter and microplastics and their biological effect using zebrafish embryo as a laboratory animal model.
High-Throughput Single Cell RNA-Seq / Multi-Omics Analysis: Principles & Applications
DR. JEONG, Hyun-woo
Max-planck Institute For Molecular Biomedicine, Germany
Dr. Hyun-Woo Jeong is lab head of Single Cell Multi-Omics Laboratory in Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, Muenster, Germany. He is a biologist who freely uses tools in vitro, in vivo and in silico. He studied life science for BS and Ph.D in POSTECH, South Korea, and finished postdoc in Seoul National University in connection with Korean military duty, and then moved to Germany, MPI Muenster. He first joined as a postdoc, promoted as senior scientist and now he is head of independent research group and sequencing core facility.
AI-based computer vision for phenotypic screening
DR. YOON, Juyong
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Europe
Dr. Juyong Yoon is a Senior Researcher at Korea Institute of Science and Technology Europe. He is a molecular biologist, using a variety of tools including stem cells, organoids, and gene editing (CRISPR/Cas9) technologies. He studied biotechnology for BS and Ph.D in Yonsei Univ., South Korea. For postdoc training, he joined Prof. Dr. Hans Schöler group at MPI Münster, and then moved to Ksilink, a French biotech where he had learned how to enjoy working with bioengineers, bioinformaticians and data scientists for interdisplinary studies. In 2021, he joined KIST europe and his current research interest is to develop reliable 3D cell culture systems including organoids and eventually to reduce and replace animal experiments.
Lifestyle exposures and cancer risk and survival: evidence from population-based cohort studies
International Agency For Research On Cancer (IARC/WHO)
Dr. Heinz Freisling is a Scientist and Team leader of the Nutrition, Cancer and Multimorbidity Team at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC-WHO) in Lyon, France. He earned undergraduate and PhD degrees in molecular nutrition and nutritional epidemiology at the University of Vienna. His current research interests are focused on understanding the role of diet, nutrition, and metabolic health, and their interplay with genetic susceptibility in the etiology of major chronic diseases, in particular cancer, but also diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. This will be done in large, mostly prospective, observational studies that are accessible for research such as the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort, the UK Biobank, but also primary care databases and genetic consortia. He is currently coordinating five large on-going research projects in cancer epidemiology as Principal Investigator. His scientific competence is exemplified by over 170 peer-reviewed publications in major scientific journals, with many as first or senior author.
Association of the inflammatory balance of diet and lifestyle with colorectal cancer among Korean adults: a case–control study
PROF. KIM, Jeongseon
National Cancer Center
Dr. Jeongseon Kim is a vice dean and a professor oft he Department of Cancer Biomedical Science, Graduate School of Cancer Science and Policy, National Cancer Center (NCC), Korea. She obtained her PhD degree in nutritional epidemiology at the University of New York. Her current research interests are to understand the impact of nutritional and environmental factors (including gene-environmental interaction) in gastrointestinal cancers and non-communicable disease within the on-going National Cancer Screenee Cohort that she and her team have established at NCC, Korea.
A new biomolecular structure paradigm for anticancer therapeutics
PROF. MOK, K. hun
Trinity College Dublin, The University Of Dublin, Ireland
Prof Mok is currently Associate Professor in Biochemistry (Trinity College Dublin), Technical Advisor and IP Holder (HAMLET Pharma AB), Director (ICMRBS), Editorial Board member (Protein Journal and BioMed Res Intl) and a member of the EUREKA IEP (Independent Evaluation Panel). His area of interest is in protein folding / misfolding and biomolecular NMR spectroscopy, and has published approx. 70 articles (in journals including Nature, Nature Communications, Nature Immunology, PNAS, and JACS) and is the inventor of more than 10 registered patents. Prof Mok’s expertise in using NMR spectroscopy to elucidate structurally-fluid protein-fatty acid complexes has led to the development of ‘Alpha1’ by start-up company HAMLET Pharma, which has concluded successful Phase I/II studies as a bladder cancer therapeutic (Brisuda A et al, Nature Commun 2021).